
  • Fee and other charges are non-refundable, except caution money.
  • As per the directives received from CBSE, the fee shall be paid through non–cash mode.
  • The quarterly fee can be paid to the school/ city office at the time of admission by four PDCs (Post Dated Cheques) for the four quarters. The dates on PDCs to be mentioned as under – 
    1st Quarter – 4 April 2017 or at the time of admission (whichever is earlier)
    2nd Quarter – 4 July 2017 or at the time of admission (whichever is earlier)
    3rd Quarter – 4 October 2017
    4th Quarter – 4 January 2018
  • The cheques should contain the admission No., name of the student, class/ section, mobile number at the backside of the cheque clearly.
  • Non–receipt of fee for the specified quarter beyond 30 days (one month) from 16th day of the first month of the quarter will entail your ward’s name getting struck – off from the master rolls. A re-admission fee will be levied in such condition for the continuation of name in rolls.
  • In case of cheques being dropped at city office or in the school, The parents must ensure its clearance in the bank before 15th of April, July, October and January, failing which penalty charges will be levied.
  • Bouncing for any reason, a cheque–return charges of Rs. 250/- will be levied.
  • The caution money will be refunded by way of Account Payee cheque after completion of one month from the date of issue of transfer certificate.